Monday, 16 April 2018

Our Class Mihimihi's

Room 11 has been busy in Term 1 making a Google Tour of their Mihimihi 
using Tour Builder.

What is Google Tour Builder?

Tour Builder is a new way to show our Mihimihi on as it shows the places around the world and where we come from using Google Earth. It let us pick our locations right on the map, add in photos, text, and video, and then share your creation.

We had to learn lots of new digital skills such as taking photo's, searching up images 
and taking screenshots on our devices, saving and uploading them onto Tour Builder 
plus many more!

Check out our awesome Mihimihi's

Just click on the box at the top right hand side (as per image below) and click 
'Play full screen' to view the Google Tour. Now sit back and enjoy!

Lucy S Tour                  Doris's Tour

Raymond's Tour                  Riley's Tour

Lily's Tour                      Nikheel's Tour

Grace's Tour                     Regan N's Tour

Marco's Tour                   Sophie's Tour

Sienna's Tour                      Chloe's Tour

Diamon's Tour                     Hamish's Tour

Regan S Tour                    Chadd's Tour

Leon's Tour                       Jerry's Tour

Mandy's Tour                      Kiralee's Tour

Sanajan's Tour                     Alex's Tour

Arad's Tour                        Kevin's Tour

Henry's Tour                      Lucy G's Tour

Oliver's Tour                      Evie's Tour


  1. Wow guys! These tours are amazing! It is very interesting to learn about where your families come from. Isn’t it cool how we come from all over the world and bring all our experiences together? These must have taken ages to do, can you teach me?

  2. What an awesome way to present your mihimihi, giving your audience a more visual understanding of where you come from. I would love to learn how to do this, I'm sure Room 5 would too!

  3. Good job room 11!
    It is cool to learn where you are from!

  4. Good job room 11!
    It is cool to learn where you are from!

  5. Wow! These are really impressive Room 11. You must have worked hard. I wish I had done something this cool when I was at Sunnyhills.

  6. Great work Room 11

  7. Super to see Room 11 utilising this digital tool like this. Ka pai to all of Room 11, whose mihi has been shared in this way! Very informative.


Goodbye from Room 11

Room 11, 2018 What a class! What a Year!