Sunday, 25 February 2018

Year 5 EOTC trips

In Week 4 of Term 1, the Year 5's went on their EOTC trip to Eastern Beach and to Tree Adventures.

We had a great time on both days and were lucky to have the support of lots of parents and family on both days. Luckily the weather held out and was pretty close to perfect on both days.

There was lots of learning and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone, 
as well as fun, laughter from ALL involved!

Check out our trip to Eastern Beach below.

Check out our trip to Tree Adventures below.


  1. Awesome videos Mrs Nelson!

  2. I had so munch fun!��

  3. That vidio was Epic!

  4. That was so fun!!Hope you guys had as much fun as me!!Funny videos.

  5. That day was AMAZING! I hope we can go again

  6. carter and sebastian2 March 2018 at 09:28

    Those videos are so COOL! We wish we could go again.

  7. Tree advetures was amazing!!!!

  8. We wish we went there Room 11. Was it exciting or was it boring?

  9. What a memorable EOTC experience for you Room 11. I really enjoyed visiting and seeing the great skills and team work you put into the day!


Goodbye from Room 11

Room 11, 2018 What a class! What a Year!